Monthly Archives: February 2019

How To Use a Slit Lamp

Slit lamps are an essential piece of equipment for any ophthalmology practice.  These special microscopes enable doctors to see a patient’s eyes inside and out, in 3D, and they’re typically part of every eye examination, including regular annual checkups.  However, despite its everyday applications, using a slit lamp correctly involves proper technique and skill. First, it’s important to know what you’re looking for before you use your slit lamp.  For example, if you haven’t determined an order in which you’ll examine the eye (i.e. starting externally and working deeper into the eye), you risk missing seemingly obvious conditions like periorbital neoplasms. Next, you’ll need to decide on the proper illumination for the exam.  There are several techniques to choose from, all based on which conditions you’re attempting to find: • Diffuse illumination: This works best for an overall exam of the eye. The open beam hits the eye at a 45-degree angle.• Sclerotic Read More